
Stillness In September: ( A Parting Gift)

O there is stillness in our hearts, as we

Contemplate, the sturdy roots of a tree:

Unyielding amidst a September storm!

The sublime in Nature fills us with awe.

And with that revelation, it’s time to part.

I hope you have enjoyed the words and art.

This is the end of our Enchanting Tales.

My dear friends, go peacefully on your way.


Still Searching For Sanctuary

In dreams, I sail across redeeming seas

Towards undiscovered shores of promise,

Far away from dark lands of bigotry.

I am searching for a refuge of bliss,

Where I can invent new mythologies,

And select rich symbols from warm climates.

I shall be free to compose poetry

And create art. O I know that time waits

For no man! So, I must seize the day soon,

Or live out my life, crying for the moon.


We Can Transcend Blue Periods.

Although life is often blue with sorrows,

Like Pablo Picasso’s early paintings,

Sometimes, a little light & beauty flows

Through the cracks in our hearts, and makes us sing,

Once again. In time, things can be redeemed.

And only Love, can soar like a white dove,

Above the abyss that devours our dreams.

As for Freedom’s slayers, I say enough,

Is enough. O crawl back under your rocks

You lizards! In the end, you will all rot.